
Women’s Weekly Ride

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[grve_title title=”Common Empire Women’s Weekly Ride” heading_tag=”h1″ heading=”h1″]

Join Common Empire for our weekly women’s only loop of the Gatineau Park. Welcome to Park Loops!! Breaking up into groups of 10 and by pace/ability, we ride the traditional counter clockwise route, up to the Champlain Lookout via Fortune Rd, and back down to P3 via the Champlain Parkway. After the ride, everyone is welcome join for a visit Beyond the Pale, for an after ride social.

[movedo_button btn_fluid=”yes” btn_fluid_height=”short” button_text=”Membership sign up” button_color=”primary-3″ button_hover_color=”primary-2″ button_size=”large” button_shape=”round” button_shadow=”small” button_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fcommonempire.com%2Fmembership-sign-up%2F|||” btn_add_icon=”yes” btn_icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-crown”]
[grve_title title=”The details” heading_tag=”h1″]

Day: Tuesday’s
Meet time: 5:35pm
Departure time: 6:00pm
Start location: P3 – Gatineau Park
Distance: 37km
Elevation: 575m

For your first CE ride, we ask that you arrive 15 minutes early to go through riding safety instructions.

Ride details: 
We break up the ride into categories and groups of 10, to ensure you’re riding in the right group, while keeping it as safe as possible. The goal is for everyone to have fun no matter the pace of the ride!

Important note:
* this is a members-only ride.
* new riders can come out and try the ride
* The waiver form must be signed to participate
* COVID app must be downloaded

What to bring:
A helmet
Spare tube

We hope to see you there!!

[movedo_empty_space][movedo_button button_text=”Strava sign up” button_color=”primary-3″ button_hover_color=”primary-1″ button_shape=”round” button_shadow=”small” button_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.strava.com%2Fclubs%2F516841%2Fgroup_events%2F759982||target:%20_blank|”]
[grve_title title=”The route” heading_tag=”h1″][movedo_single_image image=”12854″]
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