Group cycling for women in Ottawa

Women’s Group Rides

[grve_title title=”Adventures • Empowerment • Community” increase_heading=”120″ line_type=”line” line_color=”primary-2″ align=”center”]

Extraordinary things happen when women come together to empower and challenge each other through their passion for cycling.

[movedo_video video_link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnOYaHdmo1c”]
[grve_title title=”Your women’s cycling community”]

Common Empire is a cycling community that promotes the fun and healthy sport of cycling through events such as group rides, training, social events, educational workshops, along with a social network to connect you with other cyclists.

We’ve launched women’s only rides to provide a fun and safe place to meet and connect with other women, to build confidence, skills and camaraderie. We welcome all levels of riders, from beginners to racers and we hope to see you at our next ride!

Learn more about our Ottawa women’s group rides here!

[grve_title title=”CE Women’s Rides Photos” line_type=”line” line_color=”primary-2″ align=”center”][movedo_empty_space][movedo_gallery ids=”13206,12495,12501,12708,13199,13203,13201,13207,13204,13211,13205,13208,13209,13210,13195,12496,13197,13212,13213,13214″ columns_large_screen=”5″ columns=”5″ columns_tablet_landscape=”4″ columns_tablet_portrait=”4″][/movedo_gallery]
[grve_title title=”Want to join us?” align=”center”][movedo_button align=”center” button_text=”Become a member” button_color=”primary-2″ button_hover_color=”primary-3″ button_size=”large” button_shape=”round” button_shadow=”small”]
1440 839 CommonEmpire
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