
A Lanark Highlands Loop

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Fall rides are necessary. They convince you that you did your very best to get in as many minutes on the bike before it’s too cold, there’s too much snow and your legs have had it for the season.

We linked up with legendary formers ski racer, Patrick Biggs and long time friend, Robbie Davidson. Both weapons on two wheels. I was in for a chilly day of adventure!

[grve_title title=”A quick little video edit.”][movedo_video video_link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx5pyD7CPy4″]
[grve_title title=”The ride route”]
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Coming in hot to Clayton, ON down tatlock road. Robbie was loving the head winds!

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The first flat of the day. Robbie claims it was his first in 13 years.

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There’s so much love for the Specialized Roubaix!

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Who brings road tires on a gravel ride anyway?

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These roads don’t get much better and Craft Sportswear keeps us cozy!

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We’ll be back for more adventures in the Lanark Highlands in 2020!

1440 1080 CommonEmpire
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